
Pilsan Academy

A message from Aaron Pilsan

If you're playing the piano, you might know one of the following problems:

- You're playing the SAME pieces for months ❌
- Your technique does not develop  ❌
- and you make the same mistakes over and over again.  ❌

What happens is that you become very frustrated. You experience pain in your hands and arms after you practice. If you play for someone your family, you are extremely nervous and if you play a concert, you have black outs and can't deliver what you've initially practiced.

Many pianists believe that repeating passages and playing through pieces within the practice time will actually improve the playing.  They are stressed, become tense and can never move to new pieces.

The key problem here is NOT that you don't have enough time. But that you're lacking a good foundation for your technique. What does that mean?You have to be able to move your body in the right way in order to create the sounds you want. --> And you have to have a clear imagination of what you want in order to move in the right way, which will bring you closer to YOUR IMAGINATION.Your brain actually remembers everything you have practiced. And if you simply repeat the passages which are not working, you'll also repeat the wrong execution. Which actually brings you further away from your goals.

Now: If you don't have a system, you'll always have the feeling that you are lacking time. Or that the pieces are too difficult for you. You mess up the piece all the time. You think that you are not good enough and if you don’t tackle this problem, this means that you won’t be able to get into university if you plan to become a professional pianist or that you simply lose motivation and stop playing…

What you need to do instead is to
- first identify how you want to play the piece. And work out your perfect imagination. ✅
- then to work on the realization of that, to really figure out which steps you need to take in which order and to use your time in the best possible way ✅
- to implement technical tools for each problem, which help you to make your fingers stronger, more independent and express what you actually want ✅
- to learn the rules for interpretation in each style, like vocabulary and grammar for a new language ✅
and to find a mechanism that will help you to control your results as well as performing for friends and family on a regular basis. ✅

I've worked through that with Peter, for example, who, when he started working with me, was very nervous when he was playing for others, BECAUSE of the lack of clear imagination, technique and control. But, after working through this system, he can now play through Beethoven's Sonatas or Schumann's Davidsbündlertänze with a lot of confidence.🔥🔥🔥

Apply for a first free lesson with me, so we can find out how we can make this possible for you.


Pilsan Academy Partners

Known From

For whom? What? Why?

Which results can you realistically achieve?

The piano mastery system is the first approach that works for both professional and non-professional pianists. Having collected different methods from the German and Russian school, combined with a lot of experience on stage, it's divided into the mental, physical, emotional and spiritual aspects of piano practice.
In our free piano lesson, we will analyze exactly where you are at point A and how we will get you to point B with the least possible resistance.

Non-professional pianists have:
- learned how to strategize their practice and memorizing music
- solved their technical problems in order to play fast
- overcome the fear of playing for others and gaining first experiences with performing their dream pieces
Professional pianists have:
- prepared themselves successfully for their exams, where their professors have told them that they had never played so well
- prepared themselves for competitions where they have won first prizes
- learned how to market and sell themselves without the help of agencies, competitions or scholarship --> getting high-priced concerts

What other mentees say about the collaboration

Problem: She was self-conscious about not having a strong foundation technically

Solution: We kept her accountable for her practice and learned how to approach a piece. Even through Zoom she could learn about posture and how to practice.

Results: She feels more confident, sounds better and knows how to read music and understand rhythm

Cristina Sandoval


Problem: He had pain in his arms and hand

Solution: We worked out specific exercises and optimized his sitting position

Results: He gained more confidence and a has a clear strategy, which he can also use in the future



Problem: Not having played for many years

Solution: A very personal approach to his unique situation

Results: Playing pieces like Brahms op. 118 which gives him a lot of satisfaction

Ron Onerheim


Problem: Having played the piano for a while, Blair wanted to really build some technical foundations

Solution: Learning the piano with others in .a real community

Results: He talks about his progress and which repertoire he has mastered in the time within the masterclass

Blair Boone-Migura


Problem: Eberhard, after playing the piano in his youth, had difficulties picking it up again

Solution: He learned to practice properly again

Results: He could increase the tempo and accuracy of his pieces in a short amount of time

Eberhard Fleischer


Problem: Technical challenges

Solution: Clear exercises and a practicing schedule

Results: Benjamin is one of the great upcoming pianists from Austria and has worked with Aaron for almost 1 1/2 years. His recent highlight was a concert as a soloist with Emmanuel Tjeknavorian as a conductor at the Brucknerhaus Linz

Benjamin Gotthard


Problem: Jaime has been playing for a few years, but didn't really know how to tackle new pieces.

Solution: Together, we have worked out a clear strategy.

Results: It enabled him to learn his dream pieces in his free time next to his own business.

Jaime Cardenas


Problem: Maik has been studying professionally already for a while, but always played worse when performing for others

Solution: We trained his performance skills

Results: He could prepare his next exams properly

Maik Kronhart


Problem: Evgeny was already a very good pianist, but didn't know how to market himself in order to get concerts.

Solution: Together, we have talked about positioning, marketing and sales, which he couldn't learn at his university.

Results: He gained clarity about his social media presence.

Evgeny Petrichev


Problem: Sebastian has studied the piano already for a while, but still struggled with difficult technical passages

Solution: Together, we implemented new exercises

Results: It gave him security and stability

Sebastian Agudelo


Problem: Matt has been playing the piano for a few years, but hasn't really had a strategy.

Solution: Within the program, he learned how to systemize his practice.

Results: He could implement this and still keep the flow and spontaneous attitude in order to enjoy his musical journey.

Matt Mitchell


Get started and sign up!

Nowadays, you can find all the relevant information about piano practice on the internet and in books. The important thing isn't the information itself, but your own transformation. It's about getting the right information at the right time, in the right order and to have someone to support you on your journey.